

      [zhǔ yì]





      doctrine; -ism






      Softrealismartistisable to usetheirspeedacross the surface of the spirit,arrived in "the existence of the original"artist.




      Nowyoumay say this amount to a very limitedgovernment,andlibertarian may complain that Lockeisnot such aterrifically after all.




      The notionofauniversal,objectivescale of intelligence, however,did not take shapeuntil the 19th centuryand the arrival of Darwinism.




      A capitalist society is not the deepsourceand the onlyform of economic crises,but the generalhistoricalform.




      And materialism,theythink they get outof it just by notexisting, by dying, but they don't.




      TheAmericanSouth is still the bastionofconservatismandevangelism,but that doesn't stop them from tryingto expound Zombies.




      Hemayevenhave been a monk, for monks are known to have revered Gnostictextsandkeptthemin their libraries.




      AndIslamicterrorismwas one of those things thatwouldsurely go awayifIsrael would just compromise with the terrorists.




      Whenanimals with complexbehavior evolved, evolutionbegantobreakoutof its Darwinian straight jacket.




      Untila few daysagoCroatialooked like the tail of the procession of ex-communistcountriesjoining the EU.

