








      some; afew



      liang , aunitofweight (=50 grams)



      both (sides); either (side)



      全部,two,a few,some,both,either,liang , a unit of weight,tael,a couple of,



      As youcansee,thisproject has quitea charter, andI don't plan to achieveall of itin one column(or eventwo).




      WhenIworkedin a hospital,I used todoonly two or three operations a day.




      With an 18.9%increase,Africawastheonly region to see premium trafficrise.




      Heneveranswered them,he only spoketo the waiter behind the counter: 'Twobowls of wine heated and adish of anisebeans. '




      A little later,theCubanpassed around fine Havana cigars.Hetookacoupleofpuffs of his and thentossed it out the window.




      I was about to launch intoa major topicwhenIglanceddown at my watch. I was alreadytwominutes past the scheduled end of class.




      Astheanimositybetween the twogirls escalated, Margarite feltshunned by an entiregroupofgirls and was eatinglunch by herself.




      Interestingly,given how they wereonce a fixture for England,RooneyandOwen did notplay together inany of United'ssixgames.




      The series finaleis being split into twomovies for which filming began fivemonthsagoand is due tofinishin about ayear.




      The benefit appears tolast only afewhours,so it may help to drinkgreen tea at least twice a day.

