

      [zhēng yì]





      dispute; argue; debate; controversy






      Forthedevout,Galileohasalways beenasensitivesubject.




      WheretheUnited Statesshouldtry alledged terroristsand plotters of the September 11 attacks has longbeena point ofcontroversy.




      Thereportconcludes,controversially, that the rules did not add to the pro-cyclical natureof the financialsystem.




      HELEAVES the White Houseasoneof the least popularandmostdivisivepresidents in Americanhistory.




      On the onehand, there isnodenying that Internet is currently one of the most efficientmediaused for interpersonal communication.




      Freed from its internal wrangling, the EU would be ableto turn outward and face the realworld.




      The scholars of every countryhave a greatdisputeon which responsibility the main body of internationallaw should afford.




      Yetthispoint isn't evencontroversial -- by and large,commentators aren't evenaware that fear-of-China syndrome might be in error.




      The intersectionoftechnologyand the lawisoftencontroversial.




      And there's just as muchdisagreementaboutwhat constitutes "compulsive"or "addictive" sex or evenifsuchaphenomenonexists.

