






      inferior; second










      全部,inferior,second,sub-,short for Asia,a surname,Gaea,Jean Baudrillard,Pavia



      It waspossiblyTuesdaynight of thePassoverWeek.Christseemed to have stayed with Mary, Martha and Lazarus for a few days.




      The cold- andheat-sensingsubunit,however,donot seem to coassemble,hesaid.




      Pray for the people of Ethiopia to see the destructivenature of extremistIslamandrefuse to bepart of it.




      Zechariah compressed thetwo comings in sucha way that there appeared to be nointervalbetweenthem.




      He took Agag king of the Amalekites alive, and all his people he totallydestroyedwith the sword.




      Oneshouldalways remain active in Krishna's service;otherwisethestrong maya will catch himand engage him in herservice.




      When Gloria dozedoffin the front pew of her SpringHill, Florida,church for the fourth Sunday inarow, she was mortified.




      "I don't believe the prime ministerwillcall a referendum; the risk of a no is toohigh,"says Steen Bocian, the bank's chiefeconomist.




      Hodgson failed in his attempt tomake Sami Hyypia his No2 and, at times, it lookedasifhe was on his own on thetouchline.




      Jn.11: 49 But a certainoneofthem, Caiaphas, whowashigh priest that year,saidto them,Youknow nothing atall.

