

      [rén wù]






      figure; person; personage


      figure; person; personage; character (inliterature, ect)






      Leading Poles based inLondon, like the formerpresidentof the exiled PolishgovernmentinLondon,Dr Ryszard Kaczorowski, alsodied.




      Apparently, Christine O'Donnell was, allthistime, one of the most televised figures in politics.




      Atparties,hesaid,hesimply introduces ballooning into the conversation, and he becomes the centerofattention for at leastanhour.




      The pointoftelephoning a bigshotin the office was toseeiftheywouldtake your call.




      As sooften happens todictators,however decent theyseem to start with,General Musharraf hascome to see himselfas "indispensable" .




      He would liketoberememberedasa straight shooter who did therightthing.Tacklingclimatechange would be oneway to dothat.




      Hewasalready something ofaheroinsideGEbecausehehaddiscovered Lexan plastic for the company.




      If the sun with agoodphase, there will be manyfriends,andIalsoenjoyahighhonor, and to have the assistanceofaheavyweight.




      Barely aweek goes bywithout one orother public figureapologizingfor a disasterof monumental proportions.




      Ifoundshewasaneminent lady in her way,inshort,Iagreedtoputmyself in her hands.
