

      [chǎn shēng]






      production; generation; causing; effecting


      produce; engender


      emerge; comeintobeing



      全部,generation,produce,production,generatecome into being,bring forth



      The audiodevicemaybe arranged toproduce a resonancein a part of the user'sbody.




      The Higgs shouldoccasionallydecayintoa pair of photons, which wouldproducea bump in the photon-pairenergydistribution.




      Whether this wastocool off the charcoalfireor to putwater in the radiatorwas something Ihavenotdiscovered to this day.




      Afteranalysis, the majorfactor of the waterqualitywas that positive and nagetive resins wass notcompletelyseparated and was polluted.




      It is a way to specify(in percentage) how muchimpact is allowed to theserverforanygiven throttled utility.




      Realityisoftenillusory:purereflectionofdesires,dreams,oldmemories. Don't bedeceived.Removeeverymask of others and yourself.




      However, the transportofalargeice sheet might be expected to mark the playa surface in other ways - thesemarkshavenot been found.




      Buthesaid the chargesneed more proofbeyond the SEC's allegations if they are tohavealastingimpactonGoldman.




      Byturning off thisregulatorymechanism the bodycanstayin a stateof anabolic metabolism(growth) for longer periods of time.




      That it had done so withinvestmentsin Treasurys at atime when Treasuryprices are close to historichighs?

