

      [jiāo yì]





      business, deal, trade, transaction, salestransaction















      Traders said there was morescopefor Wynn Macausharestofall due to itssteep valuations.




      The localpolice chief said the crimewasprobably the result of fighting betweenlocaldrug gangs.




      The bigger the transaction, the longer the buzz,giving those whouse it aphysicalreminderof how muchthey are spending.




      Hedeclined to nametheSaudibankandsaid the dealwouldrequireapproval from Swiss,KuwaitiandSaudiauthorities.




      My losses were the resultof both my trading activities and my exorbitantlifestyle,whichdemanded that Imakealot of moneyasatrader.




      That was more thananyothernationexceptthe U. S. and more than the$162billion of deals byU. K. -based companies.




      Not that the store owner is ever quitesure how muchacredit cardtransactionwillcost.




      Buthopesearlierin the dayof an imminentdealtoendsixweeks of crisisappeared to have been dashed.




      Whenthingsquieteddownintrainingcamp, Buss stirred them up again by sayinghe would listen totradeoffers for Bryant.




      The decisionabout how much to buy orsellisabsolutelyfundamental and yetoften glossed over orhandled improperly by mosttraders.

