

      [huǒ bàn]





      partner; companion; colleage; co-workerinshop; mate






      The total number of bytes of stagingfiledata regenerated bythisreplicasetmemberforaspecificoutboundpartnerrequest.




      "There would be a clearbenefit both foritand itstradingpartners, "hesaid.




      A smallriverflowsnear the happyfarm. The bank of the river has so much sandthat it becomes the bestplace for the childrentoplay.




      Communication:Able to communicatewithmanagementorotherbusinessassociates on a daily basis throughemails, phone, fax, etc.




      In the pursuitofthisgreat goal,China will alwaysbe a strongsupporterand a closepartner of the United Nations.




      When heformedhis discussion club of fellow tradesmen, known as the Junto, Franklin's firstrulewasto display humility in conversation.




      Partnership:Apartnershipisaformofbusiness in whichtwoormorepeopleoperate for the commongoal of makingprofit.




      The bestway to get on your good sideis to work with youas a team member andpartner,not as a peer or subordinate.




      Afteryears of continuousdevelopment,wehaveaccumulatednumerousfieldexperience, I believewemustbesatisfied with yourpartner.




      Over the lastthreedecades,we have workedwellonmultiplefrontsmakingChina one of the Bank's biggestandbestpartners.

