
      [huì] [kuài]

  •       v.can; meet; see; assemble
  •       n.meeting; society; association
  •       网络beableto; will; would






      can; beableto


      meet; see


      gettogether; assemble


      understand; grasp


      belikelyto; besureto


      begoodat; beskilfulin




      pay [foot] abill



      association; society; union


      meeting; gathering; party; get-together; conference




      chiefcity; capital


      opportunity; occasion











      全部,can,meet,see,assemble,meeting,societyassociation,be able to,will,would



      North Korea's embassyinLondonsuggestedtheremight be an announcement in "two or three weeks" .




      Itmighthave been whenyoumovedoutorwhenyou realized that you couldbeat your dadattable tennis.




      Butshe must makesure that this will notharm her by consulting a specializedphysician.




      Apersonstandingat the center of one of the broader craters would be unable to see the craterwalls.




      The shopwillevenconsider to put your suggestionsintheir ice cream menuand then produceanewkindflavor.




      Iguarantee,"said the salesman in the petshop,"that this purpleparrotwillrepeateverywordithears.




      Ifhemisses one opportunityheneverhides, he'salwaysthere to gethimselfin the rightposition for the next time.




      Still,one of the necessaryrisks of beingat the topis the possibility of a high-profile failure,regardless of yourgender.




      The momentofbirth is not the mostspecial event inachild'slife.There are an infinite number of otherspecial ones that follow.




      What chiefly surprisedmewasthatheneverreadthesamebooktwice.

