








      sth. shapedlikeanumbrella





      全部,umbrella,Umbrellas,Parasailing,The Umbrellas



      Askydiver goes high up in the air on aplane.Thenhejumps off the planeandfloats in the air with the help ofaparachute.




      That would be abadday, you know,ifthathappened, so we have totest, becauseweare deploying thisparachuteatsupersonic speeds.




      Cuteness was anasset worth payingfor,theysaid,especially for an "umbrellaspecies"likethepanda.




      Rain is moreahurry, did notbringa littleimpurity,butagainst the umbrellafrom the umbrellaalong the flow.




      If it all goes wrong the parachuteclauses, on topof the generous pay package,willprovide many years of comfort.




      Ofcourse,you can never reply on the British summer weather,sotaking an umbrella along might beagood idea just in case!




      I've been one of those persons who never goesanywherewithoutathermometer,ahot waterbottle,araincoat, and a parachute.




      A manwaspushed out of an airplane, without a parachute. How was he able tosurvive?




      Alsonotalwaysstayathome during the day, sunshine can be resolvedthrough Zheyangsan andwindow shutters, did notmove.




      Jackbought a umbrellawith him in case of it rained.

