

      [yī jiù]





      asbefore; still



      全部,as before,still,continue,remain,Ver.Bossa



      Hisbank is stilllooking for apermanenthome,as well asamoreclearly defined roleof its own.




      China does haveadvantagesthatothercountries did not, starting with its size.Butitstill will not find the transitioneasy.




      Itislike an enormousgreenhouse, yet isstillaworkingstationwith a modernextensionfromwherethetrainsactuallyrun.




      He said the mostcommondefinitionhe has heardis"babies,"but then would notsaywhether that is the administration'sdefinition.




      Itmay become lesspopularwithearly adopters but is a stunning piece of design for which people are stillprepared to pay a premium.




      It's alsouseful if you want to put it down onyour nightstand to watch a movieor use as an alarm clock, it stands.




      An indestructiblepermanentcanberemoved from the game,returnedtoaplayer'shand, putinto a graveyard, orsacrificed.




      "They're playingmymusic,"hesaid,showing the enthusiasmofa man who could stillbe getting usedto the novelty of fame.




      Sealedinahumidbox,she returned to dust.ButIneverregarded the thought that "hersoulswasstillalive" as a bizarre one.




      He began tofeel it irksome and awkward, but stillhesatonbecause he couldnot get up and go.

