

      [biàn] [bian] [pián]






      convenience; ease







      convenient; handy


      informal; ordinary; plain; atease





      just; simply; then; inthatcase



      evenif; eventhough






      全部,then,simply,just,in that case,convenience,ease,convenient,handy,informaleven if,even though,relieve oneself,Even iftarry stool,bi



      ThenGodopened her eyesand she sawawellofwater. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boyadrink.




      Beforethatbeauty, the yearsofchaosat the heart of Americanpoliticswouldrecedelike some extraordinarydream.




      Hecaughthercuriousandspeculativeeyesfixed on his hands,and, being inexplanatory mood,hesaid.




      Ifyoufindhimsleeping,dropsome of the love-juicein his eyes.But see thatyou do it whenheawakes maybe this lady.




      He had scarcelysat downinside, when the trembling grew stronger, and he had asevere nervous seizure.




      Thesunhadcreptround the tree as alasteffortbefore death, and thenbegan to sink.




      There was nothing for the disappointedfiremen to dobutdrinktepidcoffeeandhang around trying to screw the nurse.




      I had beenwalking for only a few minutes when I wassurprises toseeMiss Stapleton sittingonarockaheadof me.




      Washburne hasaccidentally experienced Bei Li'sfierce, then convincesher to help to arrestthisgroup of bank highway robber.




      And Isaac besought the Lordforhiswife,becauseshe was barren; and he heard him, and made Rebecca to conceive.

