

      [dàn shì]











      全部,but,but then,however,yet,nonetheless



      Butthere'snever been aparticularlyeasymethodforsharingthosedatabasesand doing somethingreally useful withthem.




      MyGerman isn't verygood,butIgot the general driftofwhathesaid.



      But it wasaverydifferentandspecificcontroversysurrounding Hwang'swork that led to hisresignation.




      Whatever the impact, it wouldbe a mistaketoconfuse the twitches of an economyonlife-support with a lastingrecovery.




      Clintonsaidthe U. S.willencourage both nations to engageindiplomacy,butwillnot commit to amore involved role.




      The videoultimatelywasmadebut,like B-SPAN itself, it wasquietly mothballed whenheleft the bankayearlater.




      Somereportsclaimed that atleastoneofthesetestlaunches was carriedusinganuclear warhead,butthiscannotbeconfirmed.




      Ofcoursehe was married, and hadchildren,butheseemed to brush allthatasideasthough it didnotmatter at all.




      Iwastryingtomakeastory to showyou, to do DIY BBQ by looking at howImake it here inNanjing. . . but I made abig mistake!




      "Co. .. " Dolohovbegan, but he could notatoncearticulate the words: "come up,"he said, withan effort.

