

      [tǐ zhì]





      systemoforganization; setup; structure; system






      In a poor and unchanging sys tem, like Chinaofold, the path to advancementtends to beverynarrow, rigid and well-defined.




      People have acertainkindof"merit"inmindwhenthey speak glowingly of ameritocracy, and that kind of merit tends to runin the family.




      So the executive who wants to bein the frame,or to move to anotheremployer,learns to use it.




      Evenwesterners, with thebenefitofa bit of Chineseefficiency,disdain the weakness of the democraticsystem.




      Suchtalk,however self-serving,shows the fragilityof the transitionfrom the longdominance by the LDP to amore dynamic system.




      Chinaisone of onlyafewremainingsocialistcountries in the world, and has its ownsystems of politics and economics.




      The problem was that,despite her initialgood intentions,shehad to work with the system, which is rotten and rife with corruption.




      So the medical and healthsystemreformshouldnotjuststayat the surface, the medical and healthsystemreformshould be deepened.




      Takeamomenttothink about this. Each ofuspossessesatangible,livingsoul.




      Thisisoftendue to the narrowfinancingchanneland the financingwayimproperselectionandcreditsystem is incomplete,cause.

