

      [lǐ lòng]





      〈方〉lanesandalleys; neighbourhood



      全部,neighbourhood,lanes and alleys,linong,liwu



      The childwasfrightened by the hedgehog. The fatherrolleditout of the garden.




      I've got a million things todotomorrow. My Old Pair are coming to town forafewdaysand I've got to get my place inorder.




      Abdalla,seeingherveryuneasy,said, "Do notfret and teaseyourself, but go into the yard, and take someoilout of one of the jars."




      Just try getting moneyout of him.




      "And IcrybecauseIcannotget my goatsoutof the turnipfield, "said the boy.




      We halted, and Idecided to go gather some raspberries that grewin the gardeninfrontof the house.




      The childrenmanage to get the littleduckout of the hole.




      It willprobably be afew yearsbeforeyoucan have one of these athome.




      TheScotchhalf-breedcalled a haltandtookhimoutof the team, making the next dog, Sol- leks , fast to the sled.




      After a minute of mutual indecision,she picked me up fromthewheelchair and setme down on the mattress.

