

      [fáng dàn]





      bulletproof; shellproof






      Yourarmoryincludes a flak jacket,heavyleadbulletsand a foundbychancecatacombsnavigator, to say nothing about a bitofluck!




      Researcherssaidthegoalwas to replace the keratin in human skinwith the spidersilk to realize the dream of a "BulletproofSuperman".




      Twoweeksago,journalistswere landing in Tripoli,body armor packed, readytowitness the triumphantarrivalof the rebels.




      ThePalestinianshave cocked the gun; the Europeans aretrying to putitinabulletproofbox.




      Better yet make it ametalenclosedyachtwithbulletproofglassuntilyoucanfind some dryland.




      Soldiersfoundaman with a bulletproofjacketinside the vehicle,along with an AK-47 rifleandthree ammunition clips.




      The companynowbulletproofs about 80vehicles a year and is doubling its manufacturing space.




      "Hewas running aharvesterand one of the teeth of the chainbrokeoff and went rightthrough the bulletproofglass window of hiscab."




      Fourpeoplehavebeen arrested after police say one of them was foundto have rifles,a bullet-proofvestand walkie- talkiesinhistruck.




      Thebadnewswas that, oh yeah, the war effort really needed all of America'snylonforparachutesandtiresandflakvests.

