

      [fēi cháng]






      very; extremely; highly


      extraordinary; unusual; special



      全部,very,extremely,highly,very much,ever soexceedingly



      There is no doubt that therelationship between Dianaandhersons was averyclose one.




      It had beenamosttryingexperienceforhim.




      And asyou can see from the wastelandbehindmewhichused to be residential apartment housing, the oldis going very, very rapidly.




      The knuckleballis an extremelyslowpitch,but can be very effectivedue to itslack of predictability.




      Chris Zhoureallyunderstand what type of studentsourschool is looking for. It's been a greatpleasureworkingwithhim.Itrusthim.




      Adrian is such a handsome guy thatpeople often mistakehim for a movie star.




      MyfamilyandIwereveryclose,andlivingsofar out in the countrykeptus all at homemostnights.




      Wheneverhe came across theseletters,he always feltveryheavyheartedbecause he did notknowhow to respond to thesequestions.




      The young mentreatedhim with greatcivility,andgradually engaged him in a conversation.



      Regardless of what othermom's may have toldyou, it does not do anygood to bite your child back, and in fact may beverydetrimental.

