





      mistake; wrong; errors







      objectto; oppose; blame; censure


      〈口〉havegotto; simplymust


      notconformto; runcounterto





      un-; non-; in-; il-; ir-; im-



      全部,non-,un-,in-,il-,wrong,mistake,errorsobject to,oppose,blame,censure



      The Land of the Free incarcerates morecitizensper capita thananyothercountryonEarth,almosthalf of them fornonviolent offenses.




      He made the annona a regularinstead of an extraordinarytax,andheimposed,as was perfectlyfair, on allparts of the Empire.




      Look always at the wholepicture,ratherthan paying attentiononlyto the surfaceorpartsof it.




      The last thing any Americanpolitician wants to do right now is to helpnon-US banks; at leastnotin the currentpopulistclimate.




      This routine initiallychecksifthepassedinquirycontextisnotNULLand if it a context for groupmember.




      Thisisoftenbecauseinvestmenttrusts are better able to holdilliquidassets, as they do not have to sell them to payexitinginvestors.




      Even thoughitoftendepicts the mostextreme form of inhumanity,readers do notseem to careif it istrue.




      A later call on presidentRooseveltandprime MinisterChurchill,a guest at theWhite House,was no more than an informalchat.




      Mr Murray saidthetwouniformedofficersfrom Lancashire Constabularyarrivedat lunchtime onMonday, the cafe'sbusiesttimeofday.




      Asia'sdriveforopennesslooksmoreas if it ishittingspeedlimitsthan going into reverse.

