

      [miàn duì]





      face; confront



      全部,face,confront,in the face of,in front of,be faced with



      Letthemlearnthenewthings,learnaman to growupin an unfamiliarenvironment.




      Facelife with a smile, do notcomplaintoo much given to the sufferingoflivinglife in toomanytwists and turns.




      inthecaseofOptimus Prime, however,wearedealing with arobot whose individual modules are aslarge as the cab of asemitruck.




      The son's deathalso caused Huang's wife much pain.Everynight she would find herself waking up to look for her child.




      During the day,abeautiful woman toshow off to hisfriends, but at night, in the privacyof his castle, anoldwitch?




      In faceofsomanydifficulties,he never appeared to be afraid.




      However,overthecourseofhiscareer, Kwame'simmaturityhasgot himself introublewith both his employers and the law.




      How muchembarrassment will youacceptto take astand for Jesus?




      In an echo of thatdisaster,MrFukuda,with abysmal ratings of his own, also shuffled his cabinet, in early August.




      Givethem a sense of pride to make it easierLetthechildren'slaughterremind us howweused to be.

