
      [xiàng] [xiang]








      nape (oftheneck)


      sum (ofmoney)





      全部,nape ,item,xiang,entry



      The mainsignificanceoftheworkisnot to attempt to generategametesforcouples who do notproduce them naturally.




      Ifone of those serviceschanges,orif the preference for aspecificservice of aparticulartypechanges, you'll have lots of work todo.




      Next up for the men,thisSaturday's1500.Davisholds the worldrecord,butcould get a strongchallenge from Hedrick. . .




      Douglassaidhebelieved the decisionwascorrect.Hesaidit was clear that the government had been made bywhite men, for white men.




      Regulators can fineMicrosoft up to10%ofyearly global turnoverwithout seeking evidenceifthe company doesn't stick to thiscommitment.




      The studysaid the ratings,whilelow, are still betterthan they were at the startof the war with Iraq.




      Property governs the appearanceofanytextdisplayed in the footeritem of a typederived from.




      Althoughthisworkiscritical,itcoversonlyaportion of the totalplanningeffortrequired over the lifetime of a portal.




      How the helldo youknow about thismission?




      Butthestatement,theyfelt,might have beenusedto put unduepressure on China.

