

      [xún fú] [xùn fú]






      docile; tame; tractable


      tame; break; domesticate






      asatamejackdawwithcap and stockings is alwayspersecuted by the wildones,whenhehappenstobe got among them.




      Maybesomewomen aren't meant to betamed.Maybethey're supposed to runwilduntil they findsomeone-- just aswild -- to run with.




      Afterwards,time strode overmeslowly,like the roadrollerruns over the surfaceof an asphaltpavement that was not enoughsmooth.




      Determined to breakhim,Alexandernoticessomethingeveryone else has missed. Bucephalus is afraidof his ownshadow.




      Domestication ofcattlealonemayhave been responsible for adoubling of worldhumanpopulationin a fewgenerations.




      Do not be likethe horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlledby bit and bridleortheywillnot come to you.




      A brand-new pair of toe shoespresents itself to usas an enemywitha will of its own that must betamed.




      For yearshehad made a practice ofridingunmanageablehorses, and he never heard of a viciousbrutewithout wishing to try it.



      He isbeginningtounderstandthat his best hope for keeping theseintrusions at bayis to slowlytame the beast that stalks him the media.




      Butifmarketscaninflictpain, the harm from trying to tame them is oftenworse,argue those who wouldlet the invisiblehandcarry on.

