

      [gāo xìng]

  •       na.happy; glad; pleased; cheerful
  •       网络pleasure; joy; delight






      glad; happy; pleased; elated; joyful; cheerful


      bewillingto; behappyto; beinhigh [fine; full; good] feather; beinhighspirits; tread [walk] onair; betransportedwithjoy; beingreatform; rejoiceat [over] sth.; beofgoodcheer; bepleased; beglad; jollyalong; behappy; enjoythehappinessofsth.; fillwithdelight; withallthepleasureinlife; havethetimeofone'slife; brimoverwithhighspirits; bemadwithjoy






      Bysharing your quest with other people,yougivethem a reason to cheerforyou, to listen to you, or to join you inchanging the world.




      Hesaid he waspleased to notethatGreece was coming outof the shadow of a sovereign debtcrisis.




      Sarahsays that she's glad she canshare her knowledge with others,and that workingat the centertaught her a lot, too.




      Verygladtobefreeactive once more, Tithonus jumped about in the fields all day,chirpinghappily to Aurora.




      Thechildhailed the arrival of Slyme with enthusiasm,beingso overcome with emotion that he began toshedtears.




      Ourengineeringdepartment can be the extension fo your,andwill be verypleased to solve the difficulties with you.




      It'd definitelybeasurpriseand hopefully they'll be gladtohear that you'vetold someone else how much youlove them too!




      I'm so gladyouwereable to come,Brown.Ibelieveyouknowmost of the peoplehere.




      I'm notwhining.Iknow I'm lucky and that I'm describingthekind of high-classheadache that most people would behappy to have.




      EVA Hawaii. . . Iamsoglad that I had decidedto go thereANTHONY.Or I would've never been abletomeet you.

