

      [gāo zhōng]






      seniormiddleschool; seniorschool; highschool



      全部,high school,senior high school,senior middle school,senior school



      Highschool to goskiingwasmanhitfractures.Resting at home for halfa year. Fromthen on Ibegan to fearskiingthismovement.




      Thirty-one-year old Jessica Copeland sayssheknew by the timeshe was in highschool that she never wanted to be a parent.




      In the United States, elementary and middle schools areadvisedtogivestudentstwo and a half hoursofphysicalactivity a week.




      How much do Americanhighschoolstudentsknowabouteconomics?




      At this time Tanner has said goodbyeto the entertainment industry, to makealiving,hefound a teachingdramainhighschoolteachers.




      Althoughheslackedthroughschool,when he hithighschool,thingsbegan to turn around forhim.




      The author,therefore, holds a strong belief that thisstudyisof practical as well as theoreticalsignificancein SEFC listeningteaching.




      Mydaughter did so well in her studiesthat she graduated from highschool at the ageof16.




      Somehighschoolgraduatesseeayear off asachance to recoveraftertwelveyearsofrequirededucation.




      Sheoftenwritestoher English teacher of her highschool to tell about what's going on with her.

