






      tall; high


      high-priced; dear; expensive; fancy




      abovetheaverage; ofahighlevelordegree





      height; altitude





      全部,high,tall,expensive,dear,height,altitude,a surname,Height,gao,Hight



      Butfor Mr Jobs, it has always been about applyingtechnologyinserviceofahigheridea,not the pursuit of technology for its own sake.




      SurveysinCameroon,Congo, EritreaandMozambique have found a veryhighprevalence levels ofriskfactorsforthesediseases.




      He wrote only that he had alwayssaid he wouldstep down as CEOif he felt he could no longer do thejobto his highstandards.




      Landscapephotographywithintherealmof HDR,is the study of lightand an attempttobringdetailout of high-contrast scenes.




      Shetoldmethey're looking for aproducer for their weekendnewsshow.Themoneyis good. Ithoughtyoumightbeinterested.




      For it is notjustIsrael's high-techindustryaroundTel Aviv that floats like an islandofwealthin a sea of poverty.




      Even if it was not sucha big metropolitanasBerlin, it seemed moreinternational in terms of the popularity of English.




      As the mountainsandwatertower, proves the communicationiseverything-listen to anyformofcommunicationandincomparable.




      Ifyouscaledafive-year-old upto be six-and-a-half feettall,thegiantchildwould lope along just like asimilarly sized adult.




      Buffettcaused an uproar in Augustwhen he said the wealthyshould be subject toahigherrate of tax.

