

      [zì yóu]






      freedom; liberty



      free; unrestrained



      freely; atliberty



      全部,free,unrestrained,freedom,liberty,freely,at liberty,F-Freedom,liberal,Liberation



      The freewheelingrap scene developinginBenghaziindicates how much has changedineasternLibya in the pasttwomonths.




      Edward Heath's decisionin1972 to floatsterling,howeverreluctantly he made it, should have changed all that.




      overtime the griefandsenseofloss left andgreaterfreedom and a highervibrationachievedintheir evolution was the result.




      Then, one is able to freelylet go of all that does notserve in one'scontinuedevolutionandpath of ascension.




      The soilinreturn for herservicekeeps the treetied to her, the skyasksnothing and leaves itfree.




      Thechild was freetodoeverything with her mothernot in.




      The changingerarequirestheUnited States to be moreinsistent upon the need for freetrade and an end to protectionism,hesaid.




      Even the predictedeconomicbenefitsof less fettered commercialactivityandinternational tradearenotalwayseasy to see.




      In the newnote,BenjaminFranklinis joined by a shinyLibertyBell inside an inkwell, which seems to disappear as you tilt the note.




      Afewminutesago,Irealized that forthisset-up to work, the freelancer'swebsiteshould be supported by a goodwebhostprovider.

