
      [jiē] [jié] [jie]






      festival; red-letterday; holiday


      joint; knob; node


      division; part


      moralintegrity; chastity







      section; length





      economize; save








      "Always use alittle extra Christmasmoney,"repliedRogerJunior. "Let mechangeclothes and I'll be over in a fewminutes, " hesaid.




      Imissedyouso much thisdayMom,andIremembered the Christmasholidays,Santa Clause giftsand the restof my family.




      Christmasvisit we made to the hospital had ahugeimpactonme,that'swhere the idea came from and a lot of peoplehave got involved.




      Jarvispersuadedhermother'schurchinGrafton,WestVirginia to celebrateMother'sDay on the anniversary of hermother's death.




      Tonightshesaidthat the onlything that wouldmakeherfeelbetterisif"Christmas does notcome."




      But, as isoften the case, those whoneededGod'sWord the most(v. 7) were the very ones who would not listen.




      Hi!BelatedHappy Moon Cake Festival to allofyou.Ihopeyouand your entire familyhada splendid time over the holiday.




      Christmas tends to beaparticularlystressful time forfamilies, with a hugerise in peopleseekingadviceeachJanuary, Lloyd Platt said.




      Heknewhewasbecomingstrongerandsoon he wouldbeold enough toleave. He was excitedbythisanticipationandexcitedaboutChristmas.




      Atleast it's an attack on ideas with which, by the way,I don't agree, butthiscourse isn't about me.

