

      [yào wù]





      medicinal; medicine; medicant; medication; drug; pharmaceuticals; medicaments






      He said the currentsystemenabledpatients"to accesslife-savingandlife-enhancingremedies more quickly."




      They're anxious totest the drug'ssafetyandeffectivenessmorewidely to see ifit's safe to release to the public.




      However, there was nosignificantassociation between albuminuriaand HF inpatientstakingantihypertensivetreatment.




      Their specially trained pharmacist & staffwork with youand your physicianto create thebestmedication for you.



      Sowe put him on an SSRI, and withinaweek, he was a new person, and wegothimback to fullduty.




      That isoneof the issuesassociated with cardiovascular safety in the long runandwhether it would be true fordifferentpopulations.




      Conclusion The xizang might bea beat choicedrugtotreatCHD that might havegoodeffectand relieve angina well.




      Dr. Attal said he expected a longer follow-upto show that thedrugprolongedsurvival as well.




      What can IdoifI were to find myself inadvertently out of stock of the medicationI am takingand am unable to attend on a weekday?




      Hismedicationshadbeenadjusted, and he was nolonger having violent episodes.

