

      [cáng shēn]






      hideoneself; gointohiding


      makeone'shome; takeshelter



      全部,hide oneself,go into hiding,take coverhide out,conceal oneself



      Pakistaniauthoritiesdescribedthat incident as an accidentalexplosionin a militanthideoutand did notconfirm the killingof al-Libi.




      ButRussiancommentatorssaythat Mr. Kim'svisit does at leasthavetheadvantage of prying him out of hidingandinto the limelight.




      Since the beginning of the year, the office hasarrested12foreigncriminalshidingout in Pattaya,Colonel Atiwit said.




      "The mass production of these works of art as parasites on the body of acommercialIC goes unnoticedbymostobservers," writes Chipworks.




      Then,virtuallyovernight,everything began toturn into pumpkins and mice. There wasnohiding place.




      Thepresident said he heard it wasagoodplacefor an embattledleader to disappear into the mountains.




      You are covered in Darknessandhiddenmotivesbutalways had favor towards Hyoga even thoughyouforbidhim from seeing his mother.




      But Pakistani officialssaytheyhavestepped up actionsagainstextremistsbutdonotknowwheretheal-Qaeda leaders are.




      Thepolice would never have caught the jewelrobbersif the prisoner had not grassed on them and told them where they werehiding.




      Witnessessay many of the raids appeared to be close to amilitary compound whereLibyanleader Moammar Gadhafi may be hiding.

