

      [tán pàn]








      negotiation; talk






      A spokesman for therebelNational Libyan Council, Abdul Hafidh Ghoga,said the group is notprepared to negotiate.




      Pope defends himself,explaining that he'stryingtosettle this riotthroughstandardnegotiatingprocedures to avoid taking lives.




      Heinitiallysaidhewas opting out toreceive a max contract,but he later indicated he would be flexibleinnegotiations.




      Hesaid:"Wewant to see a constructivedialogue,goodwill, no doubt, and nowneed to discusstheagendafornegotiations."




      Moreover, Vettel - with the aidofasinglelawyer-negotiated his owncontract,ashe is notrepresented by amanager.




      First, the negotiatingparties is noteasy to buildrelations of trust,conflictandmisunderstandingmoreeasilyupgraded.




      Nearly ayearafterI left office,Arafatsaidhe was ready to negotiateon the basisof the parametersI had presented.




      ButJapanesemediareported that the bankwas in talkswithBank of China, one of China's "Big Four"commercial lenders.




      Hesaidheand the Japanese,EuropeanandAmericannegotiatorshuddledin the early hours to achieve abreakthrough.




      Historically,immovableobjectsareeasy to out maneuver and reallong-termstubbornnessistheMaginotLineofnegotiatingstyles.

