
  •       网络caution











      Butif the policearerightto be cautious over the use ofcrowd-controlweapons,they seem to have been slow to reactinotherways.




      Josef Ackermann,thebank's chief executive,saidhe was cautious about the outlookfor the globaleconomy.




      The veteran marketstrategistwasone of the mostbearishanalystsat the start of 2008,and he has remained cautious.




      As a strongcritic of the IraqwarhewasdelightedtoseeBushleave office,buthe was, and remains, wary of Obama.




      Dr Martin Dominik of the University of St Andrews in Scotlandagreed,andsaidhewould be "a bit cautious"about the results.




      With net credit lossesdecliningfurther,thebankdeclared that it had"turned the corner" ,butremainedcautiousaboutitsoutlook.




      Yet, Mrs Gandhi remembersawelcome from hermother-in-law, Indira, while her ownfatherwasmorecautiousabout her choice.




      That maybesobuttheCSRCremainscautious on hedge funds,unsure as to quite how muchrisktheypose.




      "Itisallaboutconfidence.Willbanksremaincautious?Probably.Willcorporatesremaincautious?Probably too, "headded.




      Intheirview, the modestratecut, a fine- tuning, themainimpact will bereflected in thecautiousattitudeof those homebuyerswho.

