

      [cái chǎn]





      property; assets; estate






      He had beenrichall his life,buthenever much delight in theproperty he possessed.




      During that termhewas to bethepropertyof his master,andas much acommodity of bargainandsale as an ox,orajoint-stool.




      replacing or making good suchmaterialsorotherpropertyof the Contractorused.intended to be used for the purposes of the Works.




      What heleaves after his deathto his eldest daughterisanold-style watch, the onlyvaluable thing of his belongings.




      When converting into moneyor selling offthemortgagedproperty, its marker priceshall be referred to.




      Thatsaid, the Nordiccountriesseem to thrivewithoutmuchpersonalwealth.




      Theywereduefor a hearingin a vandalismcaseinwhichthey're alsoaccusedofsquatting on a Santa Barbaraproperty they used to own.




      If I were to goearlierthan later,I would just aswell make sure that any material belongings would bedivided among familyandfriends.




      The biggestlosscaused by the quakewas that oflifeandproperty,but it was not included in the calculation of GDP growth,saidWang.




      People did not know where tocomplainwhena lot of virtualpropertyrightswereviolated.

