

      [cí zhí]





      resign; quit; handinone'sresignation






      全部,resign,quit,resignation,step down,abdication,resign from



      Temptingasit may betolet the boundariesblur,your full-time job has to be your top priority-- at least untilyoudecide to leave it.




      Ninemonthslatershe walked out of that job, too, complaining that heremployer"thinksIshould be proudto do overtime without pay."




      A spokesmanfor May said Stephenson had informed her Sundayevening, and she'wassorry to hear thenews. '




      If I donotresign, I wasin the company Shilisucan twoyears,because in two yearstime, I can notcontributemuch to do for the company.




      In July,2009, El Teo leftanote on the bodyof a slain policeofficer:"Ifyou don't resign, Leyzaola, I'm going to kill5 a week."




      He said he hopedrumours that Brown would quit would cometrue.




      Mr. Cheninsistsheisinnocentofanywrongdoing connected to the cases,buthassaidhewouldstep down if his wifeisfoundguilty.




      Heresigned his position as he did notseeeye to eye with his immediate superiorona numberofimportantmatters.




      His privateviewstocolleagueslandedhim in the wilderness.Superiorstoldhimtoresign.




      Afterstockmarket hours on November 22nd, the fast-food firm said he had resigned;itwouldneed a thirdboss in under ayear.

