

      [zhè me]





      so; such; thisway; likethis



      全部,so,such,this way,like this,So,so muchWhat



      Ann! Don't yousee the children are making so much noisehere?Why don't youkeepthem occupied and out their mother'shair?




      why do scientistsspendsomuchtimetryingtoachievesomething?




      Any highelves who did notview the bloodelves in such a way once they learned ofthemlikely ended up joining them.




      The company are not capable of paying offso much debtinsuch a shorttime.




      It wasn't nice of you to makefun of your little brother, take it backandneverdo it again .




      "Isaid:"I am verywell,youforgot to ask,beforetheSecondNotseen for more than a decade, and howyoucanhavesuch a greatsuccess?




      But you know happinesscanbefoundevenin the darkestoftimes, when one onlyremembers to turn on the light.




      In short,Iverylikeeatstrawberryisone of the fruit,thoughwrittenso much, but it seems that Istill have somethingmore to say.




      Otheryoung people do not find moneysoeasy to comeby.




      It isdifficult for the children to rebuildsuchabridgeinsoshort a time.

