

      [zhè ge]





      thisone; this




      〈口〉so; such



      全部,this,such,this one



      Iapplaudthem, and I've gone out of my waypersonallytoleteverymanager of every Starbucks I pass know that.




      For Keith, no one else couldknow how much acceptancehewascapable of or how time would affecthisprocess.




      Thus,itappears that there wasonlyonetextat Himis, and that it did not state that Issa himselfwasever at themonastery.




      These results are likelyto add fuel to the debate over how muchisneeded to lose pounds andkeep them from creeping back.




      Feel free to disagree,buttheseare my thoughtsonthematter,andIthink them to be ratherreasonable.




      Thechildisone of several in countries around the worldbeing declared asymbolic seven billionthhuman.




      Ifthe guy had any guts, though,he would have had the poolfilled with sportswriters, ormaybethat's the wayhewaslooking at it.




      At the time art was no longerasdependent on politics as that of 1949 to 1976,buthad its owntrulyindependentlife.




      Membersof a Kremlin advisory body thatmonitorsthemediasayofficialstoldjournalistsnot to use the word'crisis.




      Firsthelaughed, and whenhe had stopped laughing,said:Nowyou'll have to bearealgrown-up.

