

      [lián xù]





      continuation; succession; series; continuity; continuing; running; continuous; successive; continue; inarow






      My friendsthoughtIwas the "bee's knees" for having a "Saturday Dave" anda "Sunday Dave" both lined upina single weekend.




      The simulatedmovingbed(SMB)chromatographictechnique has beenused to separate the xylitol mother liquor into xylitolcomponent.




      Ihave had manygoodpeopletry to helphowevermostsuggestionswerenotclose at all to this one linecontinuousmotionsymbol.




      Another had not eaten for 'threedaysashermother had nomoney at alluntilpayday'.




      Ithas recently had several yearsofstronggrowth (see chart 1) anditsgovernments' financeshave been greatlyimproved.




      Twoyears in a row with thebestrecord, make itto the Finalsandlose . . . you've got tobe hungry enough to try to attainit now.




      Ifyou'vebeenrunningregularly for at least two to three months,you're ready to pick upthe pace.




      Henry: Thosesubsidieswere set up tohelprecoverfrom a number ofyears of lowyield,not to create anunfairadvantage.




      Throughoutthisperiodshealsocontinuedto receive counselingforhermaritaldifficultiesthrough an EmployeeAssistanceProgram.




      The point of the gameis to placethreeormoreblocks of the sameorsuitabletype in some kind of continuousfigure.Butit'snotsoeasy!

