

      [xíng wéi]





      action; behaviour; conduct; deed






      Whenreal-estatespeculationexceeds that of the Japanesereal-estatebubble,investorsareright to worry.




      Trying to encourageme,talk me down,ortelling me that I'm actingimmaturewilljustescalatethings, big time!




      Since the beginning of ourorganization,Rotarians discouraged deceptivebusinesspractices and restoredpublictrust.




      Thefirmlooked into the matter,decided the associate had actedinawaythat was "deeplyinappropriate"andfiredhim.




      It'seasy to take acoreservlet that outputsbasic VXML and extenditwithother servlets, each of which providecustombehavior.




      Culturecantakebehaviouroutof the general moralcontextanddefineit in a particularway.




      Generalswereafraidofhimbecauseheknewmoreabout the deportment of asoldierthantheydid.




      The underbelly of the humanpsyche, what isoftenreferred to as our dark side, is the origin of everyact of self-sabotage.




      The defendant was finallyacquittedafter a 10-day trial as the Courtacceptedthat he did not act with wilful intent to evade tax.




      The primitivelove,generatedby sexual hormones in the body,isabiologicalproduct, and asociologicalconduct as well.

