

      [xíng shì]






      act; handlematters


      behaviour; conduct



      全部,act,conduct,handle matters,Act,do,acting



      In a statementearlier this year,hesaidhehad 'conducted himself lawfullyin his businessand in his personallife. '




      Working with her fatheranduncleswasalsoimportant: Theytaught her to"thinkandactindependently,"shesaid.




      Ithasnot been growingout of animmaturephase, or shaking off asimplerway of doing things.




      But by keepingsuch a low profile,he did not go throughthemediamilluntil a crisisblew up, and it showed.




      When our impulses get the best ofus, a failure in executivecontrolisoften to blame.




      Noone really knowshowBeijingwouldbehaveif it gainedanything like thepower Washington has solongenjoyed.




      Yet despiteHNA's increasinglyhigh profile, it remains something of amystery,withaconvolutedcorporatestructure.




      "Thisis one of the wayswehavechanged the mostsince the beginning,"says Gabbana. "We have learnt there isa time for everything. "




      Butmarkets, like the human beings they are madeof, do notalwaysactrationally.




      Wecalculateandestimate, and saythatthis and that will happen, and weforgettomake room for God to come in asHechooses.

