

      [guī dìng]






      get-set; stipulation; rule; provision


      fix; set; specify; formulate


      stipulate; provide






      Shehadheardthenewrules, and did notmind the longwaitaslongas it kept her safe.




      Our insurance policy, which hadpaidforMichael'scare so far, had a 12-monthwaitingperiod on benefits relatedtoorgantransplants.




      And in Great Britain,lawsonce existed that called for a man topay a fineifheturned a woman down.




      Except as providedherein,Attorney shall not be entitled to anyother compe ation fromClient for legalservicesrelated to thisAgreement.




      Seafarersshould have the right to choosefrom among the prescribeddestinations the place to which they are to berepatriated.




      Bankscanapply for adeadline extension of up to three years, according to the ChinaBankingRegulatoryCommission, the bankwatchdog.




      Though rarely an officialrule, it used to be customary at many companiesforwomen to leavewhen they got marriedorhadchildren.




      At present,theconceptofactualcarrierisonlystipulatedinScandinaviacountriesandcountries who joinHamburgRulesbesidesChina.




      By official decree,onlysuch a cognacHAStheright to becalled a finechampagnecognac.




      Lu saidtheprogrammewouldbea"guideline" , and therefore mentions fewnumericaltargetsin describing futuregoals.

