

      [zhān mǔ sī]








      全部,LeBron James,William James,Henry James



      James, at least, hadastablesupportsystem that kept him in one place.Competing factions moved Mayotothreeschools in threestates.




      Jamesor not, the Heat could emerge asone of the topteamsin the EasternConferencewithWadeandBoshaboard.




      Formula OnefanMatthewJames,however, hadamorespecificambition.Hewantedthecarcompany to help build himanewbionichand.




      Don't get all holy onme,James.Thistowncalledyou, too.You and meare the same. We're notlikeotherpeople. Don't youknow that?




      James:Ohyeah. ..threeyearsago.ButIgot a letter fromher.Shesaidshewaswaitinginour'special place'.




      Andthat James Holt jobwas so absurdly overpaidthat,ofcourse,shejumpedat it.




      Hold on, please. Let me try if ican put you through. .. Mr. James is not in atthe moment.




      When Mr. James is stayingin a U. S.hotel,hegenerally tips the concierge$10 to $20 aday, depending on howmuch he has used theservice.




      Jamessays he would hateto have mynewjob,but he applied for ithimselfunsuccessfully,so it's probably justsour grapes onhim part.




      Jamesgottocoachthe game,buthealso got writtenup by his supervisorandbusted to a lower seniority level.

