

      [shè dìng]













      Because Bobfeltthis was hurtinghercareer,heaskedherto set a short-termgoalofincreasing her visibilityduring the nexttour.




      Later it came into my mind that she wanted to set someobstaclesforme, to test my persistencyandtemper.




      Othersadviseusing an egg-timerto set yourself 20-minutewindowswhereyouareallowed to do nothing but work.




      Furnacetemperaturemodelingandoptimizationis always one ofeffectiveways to improve product qualityandprofit for steelindustry.




      a contractisanagreementbetweentwoormorepersons intended to create a legalobligationbetween them and to be legallyenforceable.




      For anyjobsearch,youshouldstart with a narrow concept -- what youthink you want to do -- thenbroadenit.




      For the moment, it feels good to have no set direction at all.




      That's the number one thingI can tellyou. Be realistic.Ifyouwant to lose weight, don't go with an unrealistic amount, youknow?




      A lowpositiveinflation is usually targeted,asdeflationaryconditions are seen as dangerousfor the health of the economy.




      Runningin a road raceis all about setting a goalandachieving it,andtheonly person youshouldbe competing against is yourself.

