

      [shè zhì]






      install; fit


      setup; putup



      全部,install,set up,fit,put up,Settings,Setup,Options



      Expressioncontaining the name of the applicationorproject to which the section or key setting applies.




      Once Iconfigured it,Iran into aproblem: I was able to receivemail,but I was unable to sendmail.




      Settingthisproperty or changing the properties of the object that thispropertyreturns has no effect unless the.




      According to the allusion of the almightyalmanac, the governmentdecided to setanaltarontop of an alp which oncewas an allusion.




      The chairs are set up in two rows back to back (one chairlessthan the number of players).




      Setting up the SFM consolewillalso be described, aswill the configurationsteps for asimpletwodomainscenario.




      And Isaid,"Well,Iwould just, everystudent work at their own pace on something likethis and we'd giveadashboard. "




      Ifthis is possible, the infrastructureteamcanplacein the app. policy file the default permissions for allapplications on that node.




      I would likethissite to besetupjustlikeanothersiteiownhowever would like to runit on the dolphinplatform.




      Do not setsoundto"autoplay" whensomeone visits your site.This can be very distracting.

