

      [rèn wéi]




      think; consider; hold; deem; takefor; regardas; lookuponas; takesb. [sth.] as; beknownas; setdownas






      HesaidhethoughtanAmericanaudiencemightlikeaprogram that he had seen inEnglandcalled the Antiques Roadshow.




      Billy Wilder for thiswould be great.Ithink the guy that I would,youknow, it'safunny one, George Stevens.




      One of these locationsis in China,since the companyviewsthiscountry as one of the greatestconsumermarkets on the globe right now.




      It hadbeenthought that GABA wastheprimecandidate for the rallying role.




      Ithought that after coming secondinsomanyofhissubjects,Charlieought to have been givenaconsolationprizeat least.




      Isuddenlysaidtoher frankly, that Ienjoyedherconversation and that I thought her incomparably more cultured and developedthan I.




      Ithought the present said thesepossiblyall did not have the significance,alsoshouldsaythese speeches in the hesitationwithyou.




      In1684 the Qing Dynasty re-annexed Taiwanandrenamed the town Fengshan County,consideringit a part of TaiwanPrefecture.




      Butif there's one lesson to be learned fromthisclass, it's this:You aren't alwaysthepersonyouthink you're going to be.




      Morgan saidhehadspoken to Boyle and did not think she had suffered a breakdown.

