

      [tǎo lùn]





      discuss; talkover



      全部,discuss,talk over,discussion,debate,conference



      Thistopicdoes not describe URLaccess to Report Builder or to specific reports that are stored on the reportserver.




      Executivesbegantalking about makingchanges nearly ayearago,hesaid,buttherecentrecall problems have spurred the company to act.




      Much of the precedingdiscussionhasfocusedon the technicalrequirements for a piece of software to be termedacomponent.




      ifitisimportant enough todiscusswhenI am playing,Iassumethat it is important enough for everyone to hear.




      Kay: Yes ,thatwasoneof the mainissuesdiscussed at the conference.




      Butifeverthere were ayear to putbuzzwordsbefore a deathpanel,thiswould be it, before theapocalypsecomes.




      Letmetryto address that indelicate question, and a related one:Shouldwecurbthefreedom to insultreligions that are twitchy?




      Discusssomeof the fearsand apprehensions that both youand the audiencemighthave.




      It'seasy to fall into the trap of wanting to talk on and on aboutyourproblem, question, new productetc.




      Britishofficials had earlier been claiming that there was noneed for Cameron to attendthismeeting,but the issuecould be reopened.

