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      全部,read,read aloud,attend school,pronunciation,Reading,to read,read read



      Thenextthreebits(shown inblue) representyourright to read, write, andexecute the file, respectively.




      His eyes were fixeduponDella,andthere was anexpression in them that she could notread,and it terrifiedher.




      Darwinwrote one of the few scientifictreatises,maybe the only one, worthreadingasawork of literature.




      It's amazing, it's always been a dreamtocomeouthere,youseeall the stuff on TV,youread it inbooks, but it becomesreality.




      Afterhereads her LoveLetter he then holds her handsand gives his own loving response with a greater awareness of what she needs tohear.




      Youwillclearlyseeeach other's Light, and withitalsobeable to "read"whichraytheyareworkingon.




      Trees alongside lakeseem to understand their love andbloomsmanycolorfulflowers.




      No matter what animalpasses, it leaves behind it atrailof clues,whichonly the mostexperiencedtribemancanread.




      I've been readingyour blog for a year and a half fromnow, and ithasreallyhelpedmetofocusoncertainthings to make me happy.




      My husband had notbeen able to'findtime' to read the bookI had written.

