

      美 [ˈkæm(ə)rə]

      英 ['kæmərəz]

  •       n.摄像机;照相机;摄影机
  •       网络光线和照相机工具栏;摄像机物体;摄相机















      ButmaybeI am ready to step out of the limelighta little bit,away from the cameras.



      Withcameras rolling, Fulbright shook hands with anoldcharacterinoverallsandaskedhim for hisvote.



      Videocamerashad been installedforastudy conducted thepreviousyearbuthad not been used for months.



      So, it came as a bit of a surprisewhencameras trained onDiscoverycaptured images of flyingfoam once again.



      "Filming the scene on the E-3 was a little stressful with the lights,camerasandrecordingequipment,"hesaid.



      The Axis 205's lowpriceandeasy set-up makes itagoodchoiceifyouwant to set up multipleindoornetworkcameras.



      Cityofficialssaid the cameraswouldtake the burdenoff the traffic agents andallow focusing their time on somethingmoreimportant.



      The poorqualityoftheseimagescan be due to anynumber of issues,includingcameras that are.



      Singhsaid the cameraswillhave no negative environmentalimpactandbecompletelydismantledupon the completion of the study.



      One wouldthink that the performance of thesecameras would be tested upon installation,but that isoftennot the case.
