

      美 [kəˈnɑt]

      英 [ˈkænɒt]





      — see also

      can not






      Duality is not the place for you,anditcannothold the highervibrations that are being beamed toEarth.



      Benitez said:"Icannotallowmyself to thinkofanything but myownteam, my responsibilityis to wineverygameforLiverpool."



      Because that typecannot be known in advance, there is no way to know whether it has an elementtypeorwhat that elementtype might be.



      As,then, nochange takes place in themselves, thesecannot be saidto be capable of admitting contraryqualities.



      To begin with, one of the more surprising reveals that came out of yesterday'snewsis that the OScannot be installedonyourowncomputer.



      And thegloomcannotbe magicked away by America'scentralbankers, as euphoric investorsseemed to think back in September.



      Igot the ieltsscoreis*,achievement,notverygood, butIthinklanguagecannotdecide, my majorisall my strengthofimportantproof.



      Then Iwouldspeak up withoutfear of him,but as it now stands with me,Icannot.



      A transformercannotbecalled a machineforithas no movingparts.



      Noothermedium is likemusicin demonstrating that kind of beauty which cannot be saidand on which it is impossible to be silent.
