

      美 [ded]

      英 [ded]

  •       n.死;死人;死者
  •       adj.筋疲力尽;麻木;麻木不仁;死的
  •       adv.绝对;非常;完全地;全然地
  •       网络死亡;无生命的;死亡的

      比较级:deader  最高级:deadest  





      dead person,dead silence,dead cat,dead bird,dead boy


      bury dead


      dead stop








      不活not alive


      死的;失去生命的;枯萎的no longer alive




      不再有人相信(或争取)no longer believed in or aimed for

      不用not used


      过时的;已废弃的;不流行的belonging to the past; no longer practised or fashionable




      用完了的;不能再用的finished; not able to be used any more



      (因为缺电)不运行的,不转动的not working because of a lack of power




      死气沉沉的;无活力的;无趣的very quiet, without activity or interest




      停滞的;萧条的without activity; with nobody buying or selling anything





      筋疲力尽;身体不好extremely tired; not well

      无感觉without feeling



      (由于冷等)失去知觉,麻木unable to feel because of cold, etc.


      ~ to sth

      无动于衷;麻木不仁;无感觉unable to feel or understand emotions


      无表情的;冷漠的;漠不关心的showing no emotion




      完全的;精确的;全然的complete or exact

      无生命never alive


      无生命的;非生物的never having been alive

      体育运动in sport


      是死球;出界outside the playing area


      be a dead ringer for sb


      酷似,极像(某人);(和某人)一模一样to look very like sb

      (as) dead as a/the dodo


      完全过时;不再引人注目;失效completely dead; no longer interesting or valid

      (as) dead as a doornail


      完全死了的;死僵了的completely dead

      a dead duck


      已失败(或注定要失败、毫无讨论价值)的计划(或事情等)a plan, an event, etc. that has failed or is certain to fail and that is therefore not worth discussing

      be dead and gone


      死了;不存在了to be dead

      the dead hand of sth

      (控制或阻碍事物发展的)影响an influence that controls or restricts sth

      dead in the water

      (人或计划)失败,无成功希望a person or plan that isdead in the water has failed and has little hope of succeeding in the future

      dead meat


      处境艰难;倒大霉in serious trouble

      dead on arrival

      到达医院时已经死亡already dead when arriving at hospital


      已不可能成功;到货即损;到达时已无用very unlikely to be successful; not working when it is delivered

      dead to the world

      熟睡;沉睡;酣睡fast asleep

      over my dead body


      (表示强烈反对)除非我死了,我死也不used to show you are strongly opposed to sth

      sb wouldnt be seen/caught dead…


      (表示不愿穿戴某衣物或处于某种环境)死也不愿意used to say that you would not like to wear particular clothes, or to be in a particular situation

