

      美 [daʊn]

      英 [daʊn]

  •       adv.下降;向下;下跌;降低
  •       prep.沿着;顺着;往下;朝着
  •       adj.沮丧;停机;情绪低落;悲哀
  •       n.绒毛;软毛;汗毛
  •       v.击倒;咽下;使倒下
  •       网络羽绒;下来;羽绒服

      复数:downs  现在分词:downing  过去式:downed  










      knock down,consume









      向下;朝下;在下面to or at a lower place or position


      (坐、倒、躺)下from a standing or vertical position to a sitting or horizontal one


      在较低水平;下降;下跌at a lower level or rate


      (数量、力量、活动等)减少,减弱,降低used to show that the amount or strength of sth is lower, or that there is less activity


      由上至下reading from top to bottom, not from side to side


      向南方;在南方to or in the south of a country


      (写)在纸上;(列)在表格上on paper; on a list


      (表示范围或顺序的限度)下至,直至used to show the limits in a range or an order


      失去(钱数)having lost the amount of money mentioned


      (钱)先付,预付if you pay an amount of moneydown , you pay that to start with, and the rest later



      已完成数量(或进度)used to say how far you have got in a list of things you have to do



      到,去,在(当地的商店、酒馆等地方)to or at a local place such as a shop/store, pub, etc.


      be down to sb


      是某人的责任;由某人负责to be the responsibility of sb

      be down to sb/sth

      由…引起(或造成)to be caused by a particular person or thing

      be down to sth

      只剩下(一点儿钱)to have only a little money left

      be/go down with sth

      患…病;得…病to have or catch an illness

      down through sth

      在(相当长的一段)时间内during a long period of time

      down to the last, smallest, final, etc. sth

      非常详尽地including every small part or detail of sth

      down under


      到,向,在(澳大利亚和╱或新西兰)to or in Australia and/or New Zealand

      down with sb/sth

      打倒used to say that you are opposed to sth, or to a person





      — see also


