feel cold




  •       un.觉得冷
  •       网络发冷;感觉冷;感觉到冷











      Tomissick and feelcold,so his motherdecidedtotakehim to see a doctor.




      Daymidnight,Isleptinthinsheetssuddenlyfeelcold, cold, as ifwithaverycold coldbodyto my body by.




      Thisautumn is arriving early, Before National dayscanfeelcold. The feeling can permeateto my heart, It seem to havemet before.




      He did notfeelcoldinthis sickly-tepidtropicalsea : soon he would be feeling toohotagain , he knew .




      injured can go into shock.Theymightfeelcold, dizzyandunable to thinkclearly.Shockrequiresimmediatemedical attention.




      Ifyou've ever stayed up the whole nightthrough, you mayhavenoticed that you begin to feelcoldin the hoursjustbeforemorning.




      As I was beginningtofeelcold,I went to my room,saton my bedandwaited to see if the noisewouldcomeagain.




      Although it is just a joke,butIfeelcold opening speaker at.




      It's already at theend of the March,butstillverycool, the wind makes mefeelcold.




      Winter, the humidityincreases, the heatwillspeed up to 20timesmorepeoplefeelcold, and depression.

