

      美 [fri]

      英 [friː]

  •       adv.免费;脱离束缚
  •       v.释放;使摆脱;解除(或去除、清除);使可用(于某目的)
  •       adj.能随自己意愿的;随心所欲的;不受限制的;不受约束的
  •       网络自由;自由的;免费的

      比较级:freer  最高级:freest  过去式:freed  现在分词:freeing  第三人称单数:frees  




      free time,free space,free trade,free access,free flow


      free woman,free prisoner


      completely free








      不受控制not controlled


      能随自己意愿的;随心所欲的not under the control or in the power of sb else; able to do what you want


      不受限制的;不受约束的;言行自由的not restricted or controlled by anyone else; able to do or say what you want

      非囚犯not prisoner


      自由的(不是囚犯或奴隶)not a prisoner or slave



      未拴住的;非关在笼中的not tied up or in a cage

      不用付款no payment


      不收费的costing nothing

      无阻碍not blocked


      无阻碍的;畅通的clear; not blocked

      没有without sth


      ~ from/of sth

      不含有害物的;不受…伤害(或影响等的)not containing or affected by sth harmful or unpleasant


      没有…的without the thing mentioned

      未固定;未缚住not attached/trapped


      ~ (of sth)

      未固定的;未缚住的not attached to sth or trapped by sth

      未使用not being used


      未使用的;空着的not being used

      不忙not busy


      ~ (for sth)

      没有安排活动的;空闲的without particular plans or arrangements; not busy

      乐于给予ready to give


      ~ with sth

      随便给出的ready to give sth, especially when it is not wanted



      不拘泥原文的;(翻译)根据大意的;意译的afree translation is not exact but gives the general meaning


      free and easy

      随便;无拘束;轻松;自由自在informal; relaxed

      get, have, etc. a free hand

      可以全权处理;有自主权to get, have, etc. the opportunity to do what you want to do and to make your own decisions

      get, take, etc. a free ride

      白白得到好处(因他人已代付款)to get or take sth without paying because sb else is paying for it

      its a free country


      (有人建议不应做某事时用于回答)这是个自由的国家used as a reply when sb suggests that you should not do sth

      theres no such thing as a free lunch


      (表示白得东西是不可能的)没有免费的午餐used to say that it is not possible to get sth for nothing

